Real Estate Farishta's humorous take on some Vastu Shastra principles for homes and offices


1. Main Entrance: According to Vastu Shastra, the main entrance should always face a favorable direction. Because nothing says "good luck" like getting stuck with a door that stubbornly faces a brick wall!

2. Colors: Vastu Shastra recommends specific colors for different rooms. So, when you're painting your bedroom walls red to promote passion and romance, just make sure your in-laws don't mistake it for a love hotel!

3. Mirrors: Mirrors are said to bring positive energy into a space. Just don't get carried away and cover every inch of your walls with mirrors. Trust me, the last thing you want is that constant reminder of every bad hair day you've ever had.

4. Clutter-Free Zones: Vastu Shastra advises keeping spaces clean and clutter-free. Because apparently, a pile of dirty laundry in the corner doesn't contribute to a harmonious and prosperous life. Who knew?

5. Toilets: Vastu Shastra suggests keeping toilets and bathrooms in specific areas for better energy flow. So, the next time you're re-decorating your bathroom, just remember that it's not just for your own convenience, but for the sake of positive cosmic vibes too!

6. Staircase Placement: Vastu Shastra recommends the placement of staircases in certain directions to enhance positive energy. Because nothing screams "I have no idea why I'm climbing these stairs" quite like getting lost in your own home or office.

7. Indoor Plants: Vastu Shastra encourages the use of indoor plants for better energy flow. But make sure you remember to water them. Otherwise, those once-lively plants will end up giving your space a truly "dead" atmosphere.

Remember, Vastu Shastra principles can be steeped in tradition and belief, but it's important to take it with a pinch of humor. Enjoy the process of creating balanced spaces while having a laugh along the way!
